Daily vs. Targeted Treatments

Daily vs. Targeted Treatments

My clients always ask me, “what should my skincare routine consist of?” A fool-proof treatment plan includes a daily at-home skin regimen with weekly targeted treatments. So what should you be doing daily vs weekly?


A daily routine should consist of at the very bare minimum, a hydrating cleanser that does not strip all the natural oils from your skin. At least one targeted serum for your most troublesome skin concern, a hydrating moisturizer, and at least an SPF 30. Everyone who is serious about their skin goals is capable of completing this routine day and night, every single day. Think of this as your foundation. Once you achieve this routine every day you will start seeing noticeable results. Now you’re ready for weekly targeted treatments.


Targeted treatments are usually modalities such as masks, enzymes, led therapies, and peel treatments. These weekly targeted treatments will help the daily treatments work even better. These treatments will enhance your routine by providing a higher amount of acids or hydrators that your everyday products don’t contain. Targeted treatments are not intended for everyday use. Everyday targeted treatments could cause an over-exfoliation of the skin and create an impaired skin barrier. Consistent Daily + Weekly Targeted Skin Treatments= Success 

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